Fine Needlework
I find inspiration and delight in handwork. It is always possible simply to marvel at finished work. When I have the opportunity to examine a piece of period embroidery, my imagination conjures a picture in my mind’s eye of how the stitches were made. Learning from artifacts requires creating a nuanced picture of them as a whole and as a composition of details . Alternately focussing on the details and stepping back to see the whole is an essential activity in my creative work.
Needlework requires a steady hand and a keen eye. Canvas work reminds me of a well organized parade, while crewelwork is more like painting with thread. The former requires every stitch remain in its proper place and the latter demands that the even geometric structure of woven cloth be ignored. Delicate shading can be achieved with either medium. Making things with our hands, both useful and decorative — sometimes both at once, is an activity as old as humankind. It is a privilege to carry on that tradition.